Date: 19 September, 2016
Location: Othon Palace Rio Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (to be held at the 14th International Conference on Business Process Management)
The impact of human activities has become one of the greatest concerns of our society, leading to global efforts to achieve a sustainable development. Business organizations play an important role on this endeavour. One course of action is the adoption of technology, such as efficient infrastructures and monitoring systems. The sustainability challenge, however, cannot be tackled by technology alone, calling for a holistic approach. Business Process Management (BPM) offers a comprehensive approach for designing, implementing, executing and monitoring business process, with the support of technology. Yet, sustainability is not largely considered in business process management.
Thus, the main goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and professionals interested in sustainability and Business Process Management (BPM) to discuss and exchange for incorporating sustainability into business process management. Additionally, we want to bring together researchers and practitioners in order to share their knowledge and requirements in the field of sustainability-aware business process management.
The Key Objective of this Workshop is to establish a community of researchers and practitioners interested in collaborating on the topic of sustainability in BPM. This community will identify the specific challenges that business process engineers face in addressing sustainability, set out the agenda on business process engineering for Sustainability and start on the systematic resolution of the identified challenges.
The workshop solicits a number of contribution types:
- Position papers, with 2 to 4 pages, discussing relevant issues in the topics of the workshop. These are expected to promote interesting discussion by raising questions, describing challenges, and providing ideas to address the identified issues. Position papers do not need to include solutions or validations to their stated problems.
- Research papers, with 6 to 10 pages, reporting original results in the topics of the workshop. Research papers can include on-going work.
- Experience reports, with 6 to 10 pages, discussing the state-of-practice, identified challenges, as well as success and failure stories, and lessons learned. Experience report should describe the working context in sufficient detail.
All papers will be handled electronically through The paper must conform to the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) prior to proceedings publication. The template can be found here.
The submissions should be in PDF format. Submissions that exceed the page limit (10) or do not comply with the proceedings format will be rejected without review. The results described must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper has to be registered for the workshop, also being available onsite for a presentation and discussion concerning the papers topic and content.
Example Topics to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- The role of BPM for environmental, economical and social responsibility
- Relationship between ‘Green IT’, ‘Green BPM’ and ‘sustainability-aware BPM’
- New foundation theory for sustainability-aware BPM
- Benefits and challenges of incorporating sustainability in business processes
- Cultural and business transformations for incorporating sustainability in organizations
- Languages, tools and methods for sustainability-aware BPM
- Sustainability-aware business process modelling
- Sustainability-aware business process analysis
- Sustainability patterns for business processes
- Measurements of sustainability in business processes
- Alignment of business processes to sustainability goals
- IT support for sustainability in business processes
- Case studies on sustainability and BPM
Important Dates:
- Workshop papers submission deadline: 6 June, 2016
- Workshop papers notification deadline:
27 June, 2016,6 July, 2016 - Workshop camera-ready papers deadline: 18 July, 2016
- Workshop: Room4, 11:00 – 13:00 Uhr, 19 September, 2016
The workshop agenda:
- Welcome 11:00 – 11:05
- Paper presentations (15 minutes each, plus 5 minutes discussion)
- Integration Sustainability aspect in Business Process Management, Selim Larsch, Stefanie Betz, Leticia Duboc, Andrea Magdaleno, and Camilla Bomfim
- Supporting Municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Inventories Using Business Process Modeling: A Case Study of Trondheim Municipality, Dirk Ahlers, John Krogstie
- Sustainability Patterns for the Improvement of IT-related Business Processes with Regard to Ecological Goals, Patrick Lübbecke, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos
- Introduction to group work 12:05 – 12:15
- Based on the position paper: How to Incorporate Sustainability into Business Process Management Lifecycle?, Andrea Magdaleno, Letícia Duboc, Stefanie Betz
- Group work 12:15 – 12:45
- Workshop Participants will be divided into groups to work on the research challenges and goals raised to develop a joined research agenda for sustainability-aware BPM.
- Summary and Wrap-Up 12:45 – 13:00
Programme Committee:
- Andreas Oberweis, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Agnes Koschmider, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany
- Carina Alves, UFPE, Brazil
- Christoph Becker, University of Toronto, Canada
- Claudia Maria Lima Werner, COPPE-UFRJ, Brazil
- Colin C. Venters, University of Huddersfield, UK
- Fernanda Baião, UNIRIO, Brazil
- Juliana Jansen, IBM Research, Brazil
- Leonardo Dutra, EY
- Leonardo Murta, UFF, Brazil
- Mario Lima, TerraCap
- Martina Kolpondinos-Huber, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- Michael Fellmann, University of Rostock, Germany
- Norbert Seyff, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, and University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Pratyush Bharati, University of Boston
- Priscila Engiel, PUC-Rio, Brazil
- Sedef Akinli Kocak, Ryerson University, Canada
- Stefan Seidel, University of Lichtenstein
- Thais Vojvodic, Coca-Cola Institute, Brazil
- Victor Almeida, UFF, Brazil
- Stefanie Betz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany,
- Letícia Duboc, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
- Andréa Magalhães, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil,